Thursday, August 10, 2023

Road Trip Quilt Along, Day 5 - Black Canyon of the Gunnison and Pueblo, Prairie Queen Block

 Part of the fun of taking a road trip is being able to stop when you want - and today we had an unplanned stop that ended up being one of our favorites!  The Black Canyon of the Gunnison is a National Park that isn't as well known, but is fabulous!  We happened to see it in a book and realized we would be driving right past it!

It's only a few minutes off the highway, and is well worth a stop if you are ever in the area!

The views are just stunning!

Looking down from here definitely gave me jelly legs!

After enjoying the park for a couple of hours we were ready for our drive to Pueblo.

Up and over Monarch Pass, then onwards down through winding highways.  It's the road home I've taken many times since I moved away, but it seemed different this time.  I thought a lot about my Dad, who passed away last year.  And my Mom, who lives in Tennessee now.  How life changes and continues to move forward, whether or not we feel ready for it!

Lots of forest here, too!  Different forest than what we are used to, but still beautiful!

Things were greener than I expected!  Usually everything is very brown by this point in summer.  As we neared Pueble, our check engine light came on - oh dear!  After checking the manual, we decided that we were good to continue driving into town and dealing with the issue the next day.  At least we knew we had a few days in town so it hopefully wouldn't cause any delays with the rest of our trip.  

For this day, I picked the Prairie Queen block!  I thought it was fitting for my hometown, which is surrounded by lots of prairie.  I always loved seeing the tall prairie grass blow like what I imagined the waves on on an ocean would look like.  Funny how I ended up living in a town on the coast so now I know what those waves really look like!  This is my six in version, in my nine inch version I accidentally used the opposite color scheme, placing the dark as the four patch units and the medium dark as the triangles. 

I think this looks nice as well!  For the three inch blocks, I used dak and medium light to get a little more contrast.  

The four patch units are made with a strip piecing technique, so you don't have to cut individual squares.  You start by sewing your two strips together, then cutting to make the units needed - there is good explanation with pictures that I wrote when doing another quilt along - Strip Piecing technique.

Time to get my day going, we are taking a mini road trip this weekend, so I have to get some chores done today!  

Purchase and download a pattern for this quilt here.

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