Sunday, February 02, 2025

What's finished for January?

 It's been a productive month for me - lots of time in the sewing room which makes me happy!  I did get the next round on my SAHRR done yesterday - and I'm really happy with it!  The prompt of half square triangles was a little tricky since I did pinwheels last round, but I came up with a fun idea!

I thought a ribbon border would be a good way to use half square triangles, not a bunch of tiny piecing and it makes a great frame!  I got to pull in that pink that I've been wanting to use at last, too!  Now I'm ready and waiting to see what the next round will hold.  It's up to 28 x 28 inches at this point.

I also finished my UFO project for January!  So cheerful - I am delighted with it.  I did a simple meander on it because soo many seams - and anything more just would not show up with all the piecing in this quilt.  I think I'll use this one on my bed in March - that's our anniversary month and these were our wedding colors!

My project for February will be to finish this UFO! (Number 2 on my list is what the random number generator came up with!) This is a mini version of my Memories of the Titanic quilt.  I have all of the outer border pieced, so I just need to make the center medallion and the storm at sea blocks.  Don't ask how I ended up making this one from the outside in - maybe because I wanted to paper piece the outer border? I'll be pulling some fabric out of my blue stash for this one, so it should be fun!  It will be a challenge to make those storm at sea blocks, but I'm ready for it!

I'm also still working on the blocks for the Hometown Nostalgia Row quilt.  Just four more and I'll sew the first row together.  The next row will be revealed in two weeks!

I had three small finishes - this little quilt made from the leftovers of Blue Skies.

PamelaQuilts: Project Quilting 16.1 - Nike

I also had three quilts completed for the next Island Batik Catalog, I'll show you those soon.  A good month of quilting all in all, my sewing room is getting decluttered and I am getting a grasp on all the unfinished projects that take up too much room in my room and my mind.  Looking forward to seeing how much I can accomplish in February!

Linking up for:

Monday, January 27, 2025

Happy Monday!

 I was encouraged by something I read last week, saying: Congratulations for making it through the darkest 10 weeks of the year!  Amen to that!

A glorious sunset from last week!  It's been lovely and sunny during the days, and cold and frosty at night, but wonderful weather for January, here.  But the rain is returning soon, so we hunker down and prepare to get through the rest of winter.

Working on this will help!  This is Blue Skies, from Bonnie Hunter's String Fling book I believe.  Definitely a cheerful quilt!  I have it basted and the plan is to quilt it this week for my January project.  

I finished this little mini quilt using the leftover triangles from my borders!  I quilted it this a medium gray.  I think I will use a bright yellow for my larger version.  The gray is ok, but I think the yellow will be nice on the larger one.

Last weeks big goal was to finish these notebook covers.  

I had so much fun working with all the fabrics provided by my customer - so many pretty ones! 

Now I can move on to other projects that are in need of finishing!  It is feeling good to get all of these things moving along! I have two quilts and a blanket that need new bindings.  And an interesting project for a Dr.  Can't wait to show that one, but I'm waiting for supplies.

I'm hoping to get my row done for the Stay at Home Round Robin before Sunday this week. And I have more blocks to make for the first row of the Hometown Nostalgia Row Quilt!  I'm really enjoying being able to sew at a slower pace for this project.  I have pre-cut all my blocks and will make one a day or so.  It only takes about 15 minutes to sew one block (ok, I am speedy - not everyone can make one in this time frame, I know!) But even if I can't do any other sewing I can take the time to do one block and feel like I made some progress.  The next row doesn't come out until Feb 15, so you definitely have time to jump in if you haven't already.  Have a wonderful (and hopefully productive) week! 


Sunday, January 26, 2025

SAHRR - Round One!

 I used this afternoon to get my SAHRR done for the week.  Kathleen was the host for this round and the prompt was to use the King's Crown block.  Nice choice, and there are lots of variations of it, but it just didn't fit what I was thinking of for my center.  Luckily she also gave us the option to choose another block either beginning with a K or with our own first initial.  Well, that was nice, because Pinwheel starts with a P and was perfect for my quilt!

Since I hadn't added a border to my block yet, I decided to just use the pinwheels in the corners.  I was thinking of using pink in this round, but went with the yellow which does have a splash of pink.  I'm pretty sure the next round will use some more pink to brighten up this quilt!  So far, so good and I am looking forward to seeing what we'll make for round 2!

Linking up with Kathleen for the Round 1 linky party!