Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Road Trip Quit Along Day 31, Mount Vernon - New York Block

Today's block is New York!  This block uses a quarter square triangle in the center.  

We started today's drive by going through Philadelphia (making Pennsylvania our first state for the day).

Crossing the Delaware River on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.

Nice view of the Eagles Stadium!

We crossed the Schuylkill River and continued on, then crossed the Delaware Border - state number 2.

Crossing into Maryland!  State number 3 for this short drive!

We crossed a lot of bridges today!

Not sure where I took this one.  That large building caught my eye.

We crossed Chesapeake Bay by tunnel!  It was a little odd to think of all the water above us as we drove through!

I think this was Alexandria, VA (State number 4!).  We drove through Washington DC as well, but it was another case of trying to navigate and not getting pictures! We wanted to try to drive the George Washington Parkway to get a view of Capitol Hill, but ended up missing the exit, so ended up just going to our hotel in Mount Vernon, VA so we could make our visit to the George Washington house.

We absolutely loved our visit there!  It was amazing!

We paid for a tour so we could see the inside. I love the way it's decorated!  The colors are so pretty here!  Each room is different.

These colors are authentic to the time period, this is really a bold green!

A softer look in this room. Very pretty. 

I think this was George Washington's Office.

After the tour we took a walk around the property.

The view from the back of the house.

As we walked around to the cemetery, we saw a bald eagle in the tree by the trail!  Quite appropriate, don't you think?

The tomb site was under repair, so we didn't take many pictures here.  We headed for the museum next.

We took lots of pictures, but this was a nice exhibit.  I love seeing clothing from that time period!  It was a nice day, and we enjoyed all the the new things we experienced.  There are always things you miss out on, but as long as you are enjoying what you do get to see, that is just fine!  We hope to make another trip and catch some of the things we missed the first time.

My three inch block - a little wonky!

The six inch one came out better for sure.  I chose the two triangles with horizontal lines on purpose!

The nine inch block.  You can save your extra quarter square triangles from this block to use next week!  I always like to save extra pieces just in case.  That's why I have so many piles of scraps!

It was nice to have a shorter day of driving today!  Tomorrow is another short day, with a fun destination as well!

Purchase and download your Road Trip pattern here!

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing more of your travels. I haven't been to Mount Vernon....but now I am interested. Looking forward to the next installment.


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