I'm working a bit ahead again, anticipating the next few days of traveling through quite a few states! This block is Massachusetts. This is more quarter square triangles, along with half square triangles. The real magic is how you place the colors to form a star that's split diagonally!
On to today's journey! Under forbidding skies, we headed out for today's drive across Penssylvania.
This was a shorter drive, but it really felt like a long one! It rained on us most of the way. and it was a very mountainous curvy road!
And a whole lot of it was under construction, too! There were so many semi trucks on this road, and the lanes were super narrow, with constant traffic. It was really anxiety inducing!
But it was pretty, too! We didn't realize how mountainous this area was going be! We crossed over the Appalachian range here.
Lots of cute farms along the way, too!
Lunch at Cracker Barrel, then back on the road!
Through a long tunnel!
At least it was out of the rain!
More road work, and silos in the background.
More pretty red barns! By the time we got to Chambersburg we had decided to postpone our visit to Gettysburg until the following morning as the weather was supposed to be better then. It would make for a longer day, but we felt like we would enjoy it more. You have to be flexible on a trip like this, so we enjoyed a relaxing evening and planned to make an early morning quick visit to Gettysburg, then the long drive to Massachusetts to see our firstborn daughter!
My three inch block.
The six inch version.
And the nine inch block!
Some tricky corners to match up, so take it slow and make sure to press toward the dark triangles. And watch the orientation of those pieces, or you'll need your seam ripper!
I love the Massachusetts block (lived there for 40+ years) but was born in PA and know some of those roads...my goodness. Glad you are having a fun journey!