Monday, January 27, 2020

Christmas Peaks Quilt is Finished! OMG for January

I am super excited that I have my One Monthly Goal done for January!

I think there are two reasons this ended up in my UFO pile.  Number one, it's a big quilt at 64 x 76!  Plus I was having a hard time deciding just how to quilt it.  If I was choosing, I probably would have procrastinated this one, but since this was the number that was chosen to work on this month I decided that it would be good to bring this to a finish and not have it hanging over my head.
I decided to do a herringbone design in the pieced triangles using red thread.  Then I debated a lot over what to quilt in the white background.  In the end I decided on swirls.  This is something that's very easy for me to do so I end up defaulting to this choice quite often.  I am actually trying to do some different quilting this year, but for this quilt, the swirls seemed like the best choice.  I love it and glad I went with the swirls this time!

I love the look of all these triangles lining up perfectly!
I think I originally planned on using red for the binding, but couldn't find what I had in mind.  Then I found this dark green with a gold metallic swirl and thought it was just right for this quilt!
Here's the swirl - I am loving the texture this quilt has with the fairly dense quilting!

Peaks is available now in my Etsy shop.

One UFO down, 11 to go! Linking up at Elm Street Quilts for One Monthly Goal finishes for the month!


Kathy E. said...

It's beautiful, Pamela! The quilting part is where I get hung up too. Too many choices and when it's a big one, I want it to be easy! I'll bet it feels so awesome to have this UFO done and out of the pile!

Kathleen said...

Lovely quilt and congratulations on your OMG!

Quilting Gail said...

This is a lovely finish!!! SEW pretty! Love the quilting and the binding is just perfect!
Happy Quilting!

teachpany said...

Beautiful, and the quilting works very well with the design.

Danette said...

Such a wonderful quilt! Congratulations on your awesome finish!

Margo Yang said...

The quilt is beautiful. I've always wanted to make a triangle quilt. This year I'll have to give it a try.

Patty said...

Beautiful! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.