Saturday, June 04, 2016

Weekly Targets

I have been trying to set a few goals every week for things that I want to make some progress on or maybe even finishc but it seems like most of the time it seems that I actually have deadlines that set my goals for me.  One of the things I have been working on that doesn't have a deadline is my rag quilt squares.  I have quite a pile going now!  I still have a lot of flannel to cut up, so I don't think I'll be making any quilts soon.  It is fun to see the pile of squares getting taller, though.

For this week, I plan on continuing that project.  I also have a pair of pillows to make, and a dress to do alterations on.  I want to finish the top for this months Island Batik challenge - Modern quilting!

I'm working with a layer cake in the Florida Oranges Line - very pretty and colorful!  Here is the center of my quilt so far:

I think it will be a lot of fun to quilt.  I'm collecting some ideas on pinterest!

I also have another quilt top I would love to finish into a quilt this week.  Not sure if I will have time, but I would love to be able to get it done.  I could add on, but I am trying to make my goals realistic so I will just leave it at this for now!  At least I don't have any pressing deadlines, which should make my life easier.  We are excited about going to see our youngest daughter graduate from college on the 13th, and will have some of the girls home the weekend before.

I got a nice bowl of strawberries out of my garden, so I think I will munch on those tonight.  I tried on my summer shorts and they are still a bit tight, so I'm trying to stay out of the chocolate!  Wish me luck on that one!

1 comment:

  1. Your center is very colorful. Strawberries are a nice source of sweetness.


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