The fun has begun! I spent today working on Christmas gifts, I'm a bit behind due to my cold, but also a bit ahead of my usual schedule, so am pretty happy about that! I had to search out my PJ pattern, plus the measurements, but it wasn't too bad of a task. After that the process went right along while I watched Lassie (the 2006 movie). I even cut out two pair for myself - one from the fabric I bought last year! It's a cute brown print with teal and pink sewing machines. I am wearing them right now...cozy!
After I got them all cut out, I made sugar cookie dough, cooked dinner and made a batch of fudge. I'm going to try to make a treat or two a day - that should ensure an ample supply for our family get-together. One of the cookies I plan to make is a bon bon cookie that I remember Mom making years ago! They are filled with nuts, chocolate or maraschino cherries. I am looking forward to making (and eating) those.
After dinner I sewed the PJ's together. Tomorrow I'll do the waistbands and hems. Then I have to work on the grandkid's. I am not including pictures because I know some of the girls read my blog on occasion!
Here is a picture of a cute pin I got in the mail from Etsy this week - I collect pins, so this is a pretty neat gift for me! Hope your weekend is going well as well - only 5 more days til Christmas!
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