Monday, December 21, 2015

Sewing up a Storm

Whew, I've been sewing up a storm today, and am officially done with my Christmas sewing!  I think it's actually a record for being done early as a matter of fact - no last minute up all night in the sewing room finishing up for me this year.  Yahoo!

I've got a big stack of cuteness ready for wrapping paper, ribbons and bows tomorrow.  My plan is to clean up the sewing room and keep the wrapped gifts there for a couple days to keep the cat from chewing them up.  He's such a little brat.  He thinks it is great fun to hide under the Christmas tree and jump out - Surprise!  This is is him a couple years ago:

And here is a cute one of him sitting on the corner of the bed.

I also got my sugar cookies baked and ready for frosting.  So I have plenty of projects for tomorrow...looking forward to the arrival of all of our family on Wednesday!   This is a fun and busy time of year, but the best part is being with our kids!

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