Wednesday, May 28, 2014

WIP Wednesday - Whoops!

As usual, I seem to be starting more projects than finishing them these days!  I had a little free time this weekend, so instead of working on a project that was already in progress I started sewing strips for a new one.  In my defense I did get two quilts finished this weekend, so I guess that's not too awful.  Both of the projects I finished were from my UFO challenge, so now I am caught up, and if I can I'll get the May one completed by the end of the week (thankfully it is a small one!)

The first one I finished was for the couple that have been caretakers at the lodge our church owns.  The best thing about doing this was that Anne and I worked together many years ago on a surprise quilt for our Pastor and his wife!  That was so much fun (and hard to keep secret!).  I wish I had pictures of it, but I wasn't good at keeping track of my projects back then.  Or now, obviously as I only have a few pictures of this project - but here it is with the happy recipients:
I am so happy that this UFO went to a wonderful couple!  Walt has spent many hours using his woodworking skills to craft special requests for many women's events at our church.  And Anne is the sweetest lady ever despite continual health issues.  I love them very much and we will all miss them as they are moving away to help care for Anne's mother.  
What are you working on this week?  I hope you can take some time to make something special for someone you love!  
If you are interested in more Works In Progress by the Quiltsy team, check out our WIPs on Wednesday blog post.


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