Saturday, January 03, 2009

Progress on Strip Robin

Made a small amount of progress on the Strip Robin quilt today. I did the lower hills, and part of the fencing. Doesn't look too bad, but I'm having an awful time stitching through the parts that are fused. The stitches skip and the thread frays something awful. I hope to make some more progress tomorrow. Need to find my original photograph and figure out where the rope attaches to the bridle. I know that is one detail that my dearest one will notice if I get it wrong!

I like how the pavement came out. I really like the satiny fabric used in one of the strips, it really looks like wet pavement! And to finish off on a tasty, non caloric note, one of the pincusions I put up for sale today. I listed one on Etsy, one on Artfire and one on HandmadeFuzion. We'll see which one sells first! They are all so cute and sweet!

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