Saturday, November 25, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We had a rather quiet day as we were invited to dinner at our son-in-law's parents' house.  It was kind of nice not to have to do all that cooking, then the clean up afterwards, though my husband really missed all the leftovers! I did a little sewing here and there, but mostly just relaxed, it really was nice.

And now it's time to get started with Christmas, I guess!  I pulled out my Farmer's Wife blocks and finished putting the rows together.

This is the top corner and side.  Whew, by the time you get to the middle, that's a super long row to sew!  The bottom corner went much faster, though.

It was a beautiful sunny day, so it was really pleasant to enjoy an afternoon of relaxed stitching!

By the time I got the borders on it was dark.  Here is one fourth of the quilt - hopefully I'll get a chance to lay it out for a shot of the whole thing tomorrow.  This is a lot of hours of work!  This is the original Farmers Wife book with letters from the 1920's.  I enjoyed reading all the letters, and making most of the blocks.  Some of them drove me pretty crazy!  All in all, I am happy with the top, and am looking forward to quilting it and getting to use it every year.

I love how pretty this tree is looking this year!  We should have sunshine for a few more days, so we'll be working at buttoning up the outdoor chores - but I hope to squeeze in some quilting time as well.  It makes me a lot happier when I take some time to quilt every day, especially this time of year!  

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