Friday, September 15, 2023

Road Trip Quilt Along Day 41, ICR Museum - Mississippi Quit Block

 Another easy block, sew and flip the corners for all sizes!  This is Mississippi!

Today we had a visit planned to the ICR Discovery Center in Dallas.

Ok, back on the crazy highway!  This time I was a little more careful about our route!

It was a hot day in Dallas, so we enjoyed a few minutes by the fountain before entering the Discovery Center.

We very much enjoyed our visit there!  

There was so much to see!  We took our time and enjoyed the whole experience.  We loved the Planetarium show, too!

We've been contributors for many years, and were really tickled when the head of visitors relations tracked us down with gift bag and VIP tour!  It's not like we are huge donors, but have given a small amount every month over years.  It really made our visit special to be recognized like that!

Back to the motel for the night.  Time to pack up for the next day's journey, and a morning visit with some good friends that we haven't seen in years!

The three inch block is really cute!

Six inch version.

And the nine inch block!    

Purchase and download your Road Trip pattern here!

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