Saturday, May 20, 2023

Wrapping Up the Tool Craze Blog Hop and Giveaway Winner!

 Wow, that was a fun blog hop!  So many amazing quilts, I know that I really enjoyed seeing what the Island Batik Ambassadors created with the fabric and tools we were given.  I hope you enjoyed it as well and were inspired! Visit the Island Batik blog post to see all of the quilts that were made!

My scrap bundle giveaway has ended, and I drew for the winner this morning - congrats to Joyce Carter! I know she will love these pretty fabrics!

What's on my agenda today?  I have this lovely Lover's Kiss project basted and ready to start quilting!  And I'm thinking about starting a little quilt (about 3s x 36) for the table beside my recliner.  Something bright and colorful for summer.  I probably won't start sewing quite yet but want to come up with a plan for a pattern for it.  So I suppose I'll play around with EQ8 while we watch the Preakness this afternoon!  So all in all, a low key Saturday, which will be nice after another busy week!  

I wish the weather was as pretty today, but it's overcast and sprinkling rain today.  Most of the petals from my Crab Apple have fallen off now but it put on a nice show last week!  I'm glad I got out and took some pictures while it was in it's prime!  Now I'm just waiting for the Rhododendrons to bloom.  Isn't this time of year fun with all the pretty flowers?  Maybe that will be my inspiration for my table quilt.  

Maybe some hot pink, like the Azalea?  Hmm, I think I am getting inspired already!  Better go and get the Lover's Kiss quilt going, so I can start something new soon! Hope you have a fun and inspired day!

1 comment:

Joyce Carter said...

Pamela, I am so excited about winning your giveaway. Thank you so much. (I have sent you an email)
Your flowers are gorgeous. I really love that color.