Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Calm Lagoon Blog Hop - Memories of the Titanic II

 Welome to my day on the blog tour for Sherry Shish's new line with Island Batik - Calm Lagoon designed by Kathy Engle!  Sorry this was so late, it didn't post like I wanted it to before I left for work this morning, so here I am getting it up afterwards...

Aren't these fabrics just yummy?  I received a bundle of these for my November 2021 Island Batik challenge, which wasn't finished in November, but it's nearly finished now. (At least the top is nearly finished, now the quilting, that might take me a while!)

I love how well these fabrics played together in my more scrappy layout!  I think it gives a very fluid look to the Storm at Sea border!  And then I got the waves done for the border - at this size it's hard to get a good picture, but here's my best effort:

As you can see, it's too large to spread out in my dining room.  My favorite fabric is the shells on blue that I used in the wave border!

For the waves, I used the same fabric in the same place on each block, using blue for the dark and teal for the medium values.  I was able to use 10 different fabrics in this border.

I used dark teal and light teal consistently for part of the Storm at Sea border, then made the diamonds and outer triangles scrappy, using everything from dark green to medium blue.  

I also really liked the shell fabric I used for one of the lights in the compass center. So pretty!  

I really love the way storm as sea uses all straight piecing, but gives the illusion of curves.

All the white space in this will be fun for quilting!  I'll add another border in one fabric to the outside of the waves to bring it up to a queen size, because this quilt is going to be for me - pretty soon I'll have a different quilt for each month of the year :)

Look for these lovely fabrics to arrive in your quilt shops any time now!  Calm Lagoon has the prettiest blues, teals and greens to make your project look like a tropical vacation!

Good news!  The PDF pattern is now available in my Etsy shop:

Memories of the Titanic II

I'll add paper patterns shortly, just waiting on the printer to get them to me!

Thanks for joining us in celebrating this great new line!  Congrats, Sherry, it's wonderful!  You can see the wonderful patterns that Sherry has designed to go with this line and enter a giveaway on her blog here:

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And make sure to check out the other designers and the projects they made - they've all been wonderful so far!


Quilting Gail said...

Your quilt is coming along beautifully!!! It's going to be a special treasure when you're finished!
Thank you for sharing!

Pamela Arbour said...

You did a beautiful job coordiating pattern and fabrics. Those waves really added more character. Thanks for sharing the process.

Sumac said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I love the center compass block

Shirley said...

Another home run for you, knocked it outta the park! LOVE IT!!

Kathleen said...

Wonderful quilt! I love this line and love your vision (and execution) of this quilt. Can't wait to see it all finished. I know it will be exquisite.

CyndyL said...

Loving your quilt! The colors and the center just pop out to me and the waves in the border just make the quilt. Wonderful job!

Shelina said...

This is a fabulous use of those fabrics. This quilt is gorgeous!