Monday, April 20, 2020

Stepping Stones Sampler, Lesson Three - Half Square Triangles

Are you ready for some more sewing?  This lesson is all about half square triangles!  We are going to make triangles using two methods - for the first one we'll use slightly oversized squares and trim them down to the needed size.

For this one, you will need to mark a diagonal line on the back of your background square. 

Layer right sides together with your main fabric square and sew 1/4 of inch on each side of your line.  Cut on your original line and press seam toward the main fabric.  Trim to the finished size and you are ready for method 2.

For the second method you'll need your medium fabric and background fabric.  This method will also require drawing a diagonal line on the back of the background fabric.  But this time we'll be sewing on the drawn line, just like the quick method we did for Flying Geese.
Cut off the excess fabric, then press toward the medium fabric.  These won't need trimmed, they'll come out just right and be ready to use to make the four Mosaic Blocks for the corners.  We'll work on those soon!

 Have fun!  I'd love to see your color choices and progress, so feel free to share - use the hashtag #steppingstonesquiltalong and #pamelaquilts on instagram so we can find them easily.  I'm resisting the temptation to start a new version, but will be sharing pictures of the four I've made so far as we go!

Thanks for quilting along with me!

Buy my pattern here:  Stepping Stones Sampler

Find the list of blog posts here:  Stepping Stones Quilt Along

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