Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Puttering with Half Square Triangles....

To celebrate making my big secret sewing deadline, I spent the weekend working on some projects "just because"  One of my favorite things to do is just rummage around my sewing room and find something to work on just for the sake of pure entertainment.

Actually I started out by doing a bit of tidying up, and needed a container for some bits and pieces.  I spotted the perfect container, but it was already full of an assortment of half square triangles - some of them were sewn together, but they needed pressing, and a bunch of them needed sewing and pressing.  So I got all of them done, then started looking for more - I tend to save those "bonus" triangles and stash them in baggies and bins in various places in my sewing room.  Yeah, I'm a bit of a pack rat.

So, I sewed and pressed and had a nice pile ready by the time my husband and I settled into our chairs for a movie...what a perfect way to spend a relaxing afternoon!  So now I have several piles of sewn triangles to play with on my next free afternoon.

Can you see how tiny these are?  I don't usually save pieces this small, so I'm not sure what I was thinking!  There are 16, so I guess I'll sew them into a tiny square...then what?  I guess it will be a fun thing to play with.
I did some more looking this afternoon, and look what I found...more triangles!
And then I created a few more while working on a new project.  Can't toss these, I love the blue and yellow fabric and have some nice strips to go with them.  These will be lots of fun to play with!
And I found a whole bag more of pink and red with white.  I might actually have enough for a good size quilt using these!
I am busy working on my April challenge for Island Batik.  I'm ready for quilting this one, and am deciding just how I want to quilt this.  I've been leafing through books and looking through pinterest for inspiration.  I've been challenging myself to try some things this year, and this quilt is a good opportunity to do just that.

Hope your are getting to do some fun sewing this week!

1 comment:

  1. Pamela, you found some treasures in your own sewing room! I enjoy playing with scraps too and have quite a pile of HSTs that I've accumulated. I'm looking forward to seeing how you arrange yours into something pretty! Having fun with them is the most important step.


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