Today's prompt is proudest achievement - another very opened prompt! If you are talking about overall, in my entire life - raising 5 daughters who are all wonderful people, love each other and love other people well would have to be at the top of my list! They are definitely one of the great joys in my life and and I am very happy to see that they are all doing quite well in their adult lives whether they actually realize it or not!
They are the flowers in my garden, I think I would say!
In my quilting life, my proudest achievement would be having an original design of mine published in the Jelly Roll Quilts book! My design was Candy Hearts and it was really exciting to have it win and be published in a book!
And seeing my Fancy Feathers Quilt in person at the Island Batik Booth (Spring 2018) was a pretty awesome moment as well!
We really try not to be puffed up and arrogant in my household, but at the same time there is merit to celebrating your accomplishments - just don't let it give you a big head, if you know what I mean. I am happy to be able to do what I love and feel very blessed in my life. I haven't accomplished any of this on my own, and I am the first to acknowledge that I love doing what I do and cherish every moment - thanks so much for all of your encouragement and affirmations, it is so much appreciated!
awe, thanks for thinking about the difference between achievement and bragging... you are humble about it, but celebrate it. Rightly so. The wedding party does look like flowers... pretty.
Loved seeing your beautiful daughters, your Garden Party. Our gift of creativity is to be celebrated, explored and shared and sometimes quietly accepting the accolades of the work we put out into the world. Embrace and cherish our gifts.
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