Friday, February 08, 2019

Well, it has been an interesting week here - we've had snow days, work days, last night was quilt guild and today was Bunco!  That didn't leave a lot of time for sewing, but that's ok - I did manage to get my new Island Batik fabrics all snuggled into their spot in my sewing room and am ready to start working on the Mavelous Mini challenge.  I even have a pattern picked out and fabric pulled, so I just need to start cutting!

Are you ready for that giveaway I promised?

I have some leftover 10 inch squares (27 in all!), a couple of stash builder rolls, a hunk of Buttercream foundations and an Island Batik Pin!  This will make a nice little bundle for someone to play with.

I thought it would be fun to have this giveaway go through Valentine's Day and I'll do the drawing the day after.  I really appreciate all of you for reading along and encouraging me in my quilting adventures (and all the other odds and ends that go on around here!).  It wouldn't be near as much fun to write my blog if no one were reading it!

Oh, and in other good news, I'll also start this years Block of the Month next Friday!  I had a bit of a delay due to the changes at Craftsy, and dealing with that set me back a bit, but now I am ready to get started.  Seashore Splendor will feature a nautical theme, with blocks in different sizes.  I'll send a new block every other week, and will give you the layout for the finished quilt at the end.  I'm loving the design, and I hope you will too!

Here's that giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hope you have a great weekend - we are wondering if we will get snow or not...I'll let you know!


Sharon Aurora said...

I think if I had a day to work on any project I would work on some new designs that I've been thinking about.

Anita said...

The batiks are beautiful. I would love to play with them.

Dawn P said...

Beautiful batiks! If I a whole free day for any project I'd bust out my adorable hoard of llama fabric and get started cutting for my king sized south american quilt.

Shelina said...

I have several projects going at the same time, so I would advance several of them at the same time - when I got tired of quilting the drunkard's path, I would work on either Sunshine in Winter or ATC holder, and the rail fence would be worked in as a leader/ender.

JANET said...

I HAVE to work on my UFO's. But I really want to start a new quilt. lol If I start a new applique project for night time, I can do both. Win, win! Do we need to sign up for the BOM or will it come with your newsletter?

@lutzcats said...

To finish Quinn's quilt for graduation in June!

Joyce Carter said...

I would work on my "OH MY STARS" quilt.
Thank you for the giveaway. I am looking forward to your new BOM. I have really enjoyed all of them so far. Thanks for doing this for us.

jellybean said...

I would love to work on my UFOs guilt free for a day

quiltgal56 said...

Love these Island Batiks! The colors are awesome and would be perfect for a quilt I wish to make! Thanks for the giveaway.

Wendy said...

I would love to work on something just for fun - with no deadline. Congratulations on becoming an Island Batik Ambassador.

Kristina Martindale said...

If I had a whole day for sewing, I would get caught up on a weekly mystery quilt where I am 3 months behind.

rosemaryschild said...

I have an idea for a giant flower quilt! A whole day for just it would get a really good start on this idea that has been rolling around in my head for quite some time! Thank you, Susan

Quilting Tangent said...

Work on the table runner, so I will be free to pick a new project. Congratulations on the new goodies. Have fun being creative.

quilter said...

I need to finish my great niece wedding quilt, she got married 9/1/18, lol.

VA said...

I need to quilt and bind a few of my UFOs before I start anything new, so I need to piece a backing or two.

Cathy C said...

I’m currently working on a paper piecing project - Dinner Plate Dahlia. Need every day to make progress on this ambitious project!

Lori Smanski said...

What gorgeous fabrics. Well, I am starting to learn applique. So, If I had a whole day, I would be doing this.
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

Carol Andrews said...

I’m making a quilt for my third great grandchild. Levi is now overdue but that works for me! I’d like to have it finished and quilted before he actually arrives. Then I will just have to make the label, bind it and pop it in the mail. Can’t wait to see what you are working on.

Kay said...

An entire uninterrupted day for sewing/piecing/quilting would be so much fun, and productive. I have several projects in assorted stages of completion (don't we all), and my goal this year is to finish at least 12 of them for charity and 12 for personal gifting. Winning this giveaway would give me more possibilities for ideas that are percolating.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Gorgeous fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway!

tac73 said...

I have to make quilts for 2 grandchildren and a day to do so would be perfect.

Gail said...

I'd like to work on the block of the month blocks I am behind with or work on a quilt I am making for my son.

Kathy H said...

I would work on a quilt for my granddaughter.

OhioLori said...

If I had a whole day just to sew...I would finish up a few small projects...and work on a quilt top I've been working on for way too long :/ lol Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way too :D

Mary said...

Can’t wait to see the new project and the blocks.

Mary said...

I follow via email.

GranChris said...

I want to start a new Bargello so I need to figure out the color scheme. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

Angie said...

Beautiful colors in the giveaway! So pretty! If I had a whole day to sew, I'd start a flannel quilt that I've been wanting to sew up! Enjoy your day! :-) :-) angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

Deb B. said...

i have a few quilts for my grandchildren that need to be finished. The blocks are done, they just need to get pieced together. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. I am enjoying seeing what you and the other Island Batik Ambassadors create. I love batik fabric.

Angela Bowling said...

I checked out your etsy shop and you have some beautiful quilted things. And I enjoyed your blog also. Thats why I was led to your etsy site.

MaryBeth said...

Thanks for the giveaway. If I had unlimited time I'd make a double wedding ring.

Unknown said...

I would work on my one block wonder quilt. I have all the half hexes made -- just need to get them on the design wall and start moving them around to get the final design. But some other things have to be finished first. Nancy A:

Sue Green said...

I would work on my Jinny Beyer Craftsy BOM.

Judy Forkner said...

I work on whatever is out & calling my name. Right now I'm working on a mini quilt I started last spring before I fractured my clavicle (which was diagnosed as shoulder impingement until I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma last summer)! I'm in remission now & finally feeling like sewing again!

spacer said...

I have many projects in the works. This week I am working on following a mystery started in the fall and my Judy Niemeyer project.

Vicki H said...

I would want to make some fabric baskets for my sewing room.

Anita Jackson @ Domestic Felicity said...

I think if I had the whole day, I would make a dent in the basket of quilts that need quilted :)

Anita Jackson @ Domestic Felicity said...

Following at Bloglovin' said...

I am currently wanting to do a heart quilt and a pinwheel quilt so I would work on one of those.

mgquilts said...

I currently have a scrap quilt on my dining room table that lacks the inner border. Bought and washed the fabric yesterday so will cut and sew that next. The. Time to quilt it.

Anna brown said...

Anything as long as my mom was across the table sewing and this is are 2nd year of doing that in the winter on my days