Monday, April 16, 2018

Scrappy Baskets - Finished top!

I was having such a fun time with picking out the remaining fabrics for my Scrappy All Seasons Basket quilt that I went ahead and actually got the top finished this weekend.  All of these fabrics were provided by Island Batik as part of the Island Batik Ambassador program.

Isn't it fun and colorful?  Keeping with my theme of using up what I already have, I pieced the back out of some more chunks and strips from my Island Batik stash:
I am quite the hoarder and had a hard time of letting go of some of these fabrics!  The strip on the far left was a piece from my very first Ambassador box four years ago.  Anything more than 1/4 of a yard is always hard for me to give up - I know I can use it for something beside "just" a backing.  Can you picture me hovering over my overflowing box of fabric, petting the pretty fabrics and murmuring "my precious"? 

The next step will be going through my stash of Aurifil thread to choose something for quilting.  I'm thinking I will actually use several different threads and custom quilt this one!  I just got a new toy to play with and I think I will try some ruler quilting on this one using my new foot.

Are you a fabric hoarder, too?  I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this!


  1. I am certainly a hoarder. I buy fabric that I cannot bear to cut so I will buy a lesser fabric to use on a project. I think it is a real sickness and I should be able to get disability.

  2. Carolyn in Florida2:23 PM

    Angela, I'm with you on that. I go to Good Will and find fabric all the time. Good fabric too.
    I take it home & wash it, then add it to me stash. She who dies with the most fabric---WINS. hee hee.


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