Friday, December 16, 2016

Tissue Paper Patterns

I am happy to report that I found my PJ patterns without too much fuss yesterday.  And once again I pulled out that wad of tissue paper patterns that sits at the back of the box I store them in.  You know, the ones that are left over from a project, but didn't get put back in the envelope.  Or you don't know if you still have the rest of the pattern, but don't want to throw them away.  For about 5 or 6 years.  I was just going to toss them, then found this on pinterest -
Lord, help me - I can always find an excuse to not throw away certain things!  But I do think it would be fun to make some roses out of them, so maybe after the first of the year.  The image came from this blog, so you can be inspired yourself!

Back to the sewing room.  Those PJ's are waiting to be finished!

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