Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Laundry Failure

Sad to say I experienced a very unhappy laundry failure today.  I think I've previously noted my tendency to start a load of laundry and let it sit forgotten in the washer until I need to rewash it.  Well, I did that over my busy weekend with two quilts.  One had previously been washed and the other hadn't.  I gave the quilts an extra rinse to refresh them, then tossed them into the dryer without a glance.  Big mistake!

Apparently this blue is a problem.  I don't think I would have had this issue had I remembered to dry the quilts as soon as they were done washing.  I am hoping that I haven't set the dye into the surrounding area now.  Maybe a good soak in OxyClean can restore it.  The good news is that none of the dye transferred onto the second quilt.

This is the quilt I received for being president of my quilt guild.  It washed up beautifully, not a mark on it!
It features stars in the middle and strips with signatures around the edges.  I am sure glad I didn't ruin this one. I'll let you know how I deal with the other one.

Speaking of news - I am ready to launch my newsletter!  I'll be including lots of fun stuff, including my Quilter's Recipe Box Block of the Month!  If you want to sign up, you can click the link or just go to the tab at the top of my blog.  I sure would love it if you would join.  I promise not to share your information, and will only be sending out once a month, so I won't overwhelm you with a bunch of junk.  Thanks a ton!


  1. Go to Vicki Welch's website. She has researched and has great info. on wgat you can try to get rid of the stains. Another wuilter, Tim ???, buys older unfinished quilts onlind and finishes them. He recommends Dawn dishwashing detergent. Please email me if you can't find Vicki's post. I may nit have spelled her last name correctly. Good luck!

  2. I always throw 1 or 2 color catchers in the wash when I was fabric or quilts. Even if I KNOW I washed the fabric before it became a quilt, I still throw a color catcher in. Never had a problem -- YET. Hope you can get the blue out, but don't lose sleep over it.


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