Sunday, October 18, 2015

Why I prefer sewing over gluing - Mini Design Boards.

One of the projects I decided to work on was these cute Mini Design Boards:

You can find the tutorial about how to make them here.  And if you want to spare yourself some burned fingers, messy hot glue all over the place and the trouble of going to the store to get the foam core board you can buy them at the Fat Quarter shop!  It took me about half an hour of my time to make one on average.  I got hot glue all over my table (my bad, should have put down some paper), burned my fingers and knuckles, and actually glued the trim on one inside out.  I remembered why I hate's so darn permanent.  If I sew a patch inside out, I can rip it out and fix it.  Once it's glued, you're done.  No re-do's allowed.  You can barely tell because of the zig-zag stitching, but I will always know I messed it up :(

If I figure out the cost of my time and supplies, I come out ahead just buying them, even with postage.  Before I started this project I thought I might make some for sale at the shop, but I know I am not going to do that now - I might make a few as gifts, but you know they would have to be very good friends!  I do love them though, and I know they will be very useful.

I also got started on some blocks for the first of 6 kitty quilts!  I love it!  I'll be working on this more today, and working out plans for different blocks for the other quilts as well.  Hope you are having a good weekend!  I am glad I took this weekend as a sew-in, even though I haven't been quite as productive as I had hoped.  I feel like I need to do this more often to tell you the truth, It's given me a fresh perspective on my projects and left me refreshed and ready to do more creating!

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