For April I wanted to finish the 2012 Craftsy Block of the Month. Well, between all the procedures my husband had to endure, and working extra days at the quilt shop, I only managed to get two blocks done! So that is still on my list - I am determined to empty the drawer that this project lives in! I also need to finish up that Custom quilt, (the Star Shuffle), but I am making good progress on that. I think I want to push and finish up the Joy quilt I started several years ago. Here is the picture from the website:
I believe that I have most of the center pieced, so I should be around 1/5 of the way done? I think the checkerboard border had me a bit stumped, but it's time to get past that roadblock and finish this project up!
I also have a shop sample to get done by memorial day weekend, but it is a fun one, so that should not be a problem. I'm glad May is not an overly busy month, because it looks like I have some sewing to do. Not to mention the quilting...
1) Finish Quiltsy Block of the Month 2012 top
2) Finish Star Shuffle
3) Finish Quilting Blue and White Stars
4) Baste and Quilt the top I finished in March
5) Complete Shop Sample
6) Finish piecing Joy Quilt
That should be plenty of projects for this month. It's a pretty ambitious list, but I think I should be able to get through it. Oh, and I do want to work on those Roman Shades for my sewing room. At the very least that will give me plenty of blogging material this month - wink, wink!
Enjoy your weekend! We'll be spending part of it watching the Derby - always a fun competition!
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