Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I got an e-mail that made me very happy yesterday!  I was accepted as an Embassador for Island Batik!  Yay!  That will mean some very fun stuff here on my blog as I get to work with their beautiful fabrics.  I can't wait!  My Quiltsy friend MaryEllen was part of the group last year and I was a bit envious to tell you the truth, so when I saw they were accepting applicants for 2015 I decided to apply.  I've been snooping on the other Embassador's blogs, and will be sharing them with you as well - good stuff!  I think it is so awesome that even though I live pretty much out in the middle of nowhere I get to be involved with something so incredible - I just can't stop smiling!


  1. How exciting. Can't wait to see what you are going to be doing!!!!!! Yay, how fun.

  2. Congratulations. I look forward to seeing what you create with their beautiful batiks. I'm sure it will be wonderful.


  3. I'm so glad you are an Ambassador, too! We're going to have a blast, and the fabrics are outstanding! Yay!!


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