Thursday, October 06, 2011

Hand Quilting

Just a quick post today, I have Quilt Guild tonight so need to get ready for that!

Today's stitching project was my Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt. This is a long overdue project, but I'm making good progress on it now! I watched Jane Eyre while stitching this afternoon and had a lovely time watching a "chick flick". Don't think this was one that my hubby would want to watch, so it was a good choice for my solo viewing! Wonder how many more movies this quilt will go through? Quite a few, I think! I really love the relaxing feeling I get from sitting and doing handwork. I really need to be better about doing it regularly.

(Tried to use my phone to blog this, but no luck. Any helpful hints on mobile blogging?)

1 comment:

  1. My mom has made lots of quilts for our beds as we've grown up - and all are hand-quilted. Very special that you're doing it - this is a LOVELY quilt.


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