Method 1:
The first method is the one I generally use. I cut each 5 inch square in half each direction, giving me 4 2.5 inch squares.
For this project we are using black for the background and a brown metallic check for the colored squares. You will need 10 squares of each to make your block. I chain sew mine, alternating the background on the top for the first, on the bottom for the second, and so on until all pairs are sewn.
I then clip them into sets of two, open them up and sew the pairs together.
Fingerpress the seams toward the darker side and nestle them together to match the seams in the center of the block.
After sewing, press.
Method 2:
The second method is to layer the two squares right sides together. Stitch a 1/4 seam on two opposite sides of the square.
Cut the square down the center between the two seams, open up and press.
Layer the two squares right sides together with the different colors being together. Sew a 1/4 inch seam perpendicular to the previously sewn seam (the seams in your square will look like a letter H).
Cut in half through the center seam, open up and press.
Method 3:
This is similar to the method for making 1/2 square triangles. Mark a pencil line down the center of the light colored square.
Sew a seam 1/4 inch from each side of the line.
Cut on the line, press seam to the dark side. Layer the two squares with the different colors being layered on each other. Mark a line down the center, sew 1/4 inch from each side, then cut on the line.
Open and press seam to one side.
Make sure to measure your squares to make sure they are an accurate 4 1/2 inches. I found that all of mine measured up and it didn't matter which method I'd used. I just thought it was fun to do things different ways and end up with the same results. Have fun making your patches, next time we'll put the block together. I have a tip for piecing blocks that helps make it go faster and will help you avoid getting the different patches turned the wrong way.
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