Sunday, June 22, 2008

Making a Vegan Kindle Cover

I was approached through Etsy on Friday to make a cover for an electonic book (Kindle). The owner of the Kindle is a Vegan and does not want to use the leather cover it comes with, so I was asked to come up with a fabric version. After quite a bit of back and forth and looking on the internet, I decided this was something I could handle so I accepted her proposal. I spent a lovely afternoon sewing and imagining and thinking - here are the results:

The first thing I did was cut a piece of batting to what I thought would be the correct size and crazy piece the top with strips leftover from a vest I made. Lovely oriental with batiks in blue and gold. I added a white strip in order to personalize it as requested. Then I quilted it with a swirl and curve design, quilting in the words, Jeff's Kindle on the white strip - I loved how it came out, very striking! At that point I measured again, and realized I had forgotten to add in enough for the thickness of the kindle. So I had to add a piece for the spine.
The next step was figuring out the inside pocket and the little corner sections to hold the Kindle in place. I used a piece of wood to help me figure out the angles, so I hope this will hold it securely, but I won't know until they try it. Luckily I had a good picture to help me figure out how big to make the corner sections - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works all right! After thinking about it I just realized that I could have added elastic inserts inside to make them a little more secure, but maybe next time!
The final step was binding, and adding a loop for closure. I found a nice button in my stash, and just made a nice loop to pull to the top to fasten it. I'm very pleased with the results, as I hope my client will be!
So, I suppose that was my adventure for the day! Wonder what interesting project will turn up for tomorrow? I'm glad to be able to have these challenges instead of making the same thing over and over. I would be so bored doing that!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a clever idea! A book cover! It's gorgeous too!


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