My Baby turns 14 today, or as the calendar says: 365 days till I can get my driving permit! Does she want the rest of my hair to turn gray already? I cannot believe that she will be in high school next year, or that after 4 more years she will most likely be ready to fly off to college. My motto has been I survived 4 I can do one more, but sometimes my heart is not ready. We did good, though. They should be ready to leave and make their own lives. I sure don't want to have a 30 year old hanging around my house asking what's for dinner everyday!
I had a lovely afternoon yesterday working on a sample for the shop. Only Candy came to quilting, but we had a lovely time sewing and chatting. She is working on a stunning rose applique quilt - can't wait to see it complete, it's going to be absolutely gorgeous. My sample is coming along, you'll probably see pictures of that tomorrow - just have to finish the borders. Have got to start taking more pictures of my works in progress!
I am looking forward to doing some quilting next week - have to put borders on the quilts first, though, so I will work on getting at least one of those done tonight. Can't wait to get some of these things moving along, though I should probably go make one more batting run at JoAnn's before the sale is over. I did buy a small package of the bamboo batting, it's a little pricey, so we'll see how well I like it. I think I may try to do two small ones, one machine and one hand quilted just to see what I like/don't like about it. I'll write about it once I get to that point!!
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