I love it! I am all cozily snuggled under my favorite blue and white quilt on my couch doing most of my Christmas shopping. I am truly addicted to Etsy! I did not have to drive to the mall and find a parking spot, walk through the rain, trudge through stores, stand in lines, and carry my stuff out to the car. I had hot chocolate, watched tv, and had a ball going through all the goodies I could find looking for that perfect gift! I found wonderful gifts for everybody, even the man of the house who is so hard to shop for. He is going to be thrilled with his gift! I even got myself a treat for doing such a good job with my shopping!
Now I get to look forward to having the mailman deliver all the goods to my front door so I can wrap them up and put them under the tree (that I need to get busy and put up!). I have my wrapping paper and tape all ready, I may go out to get some ribbon so I can make my neato handmade gifts even prettier! Can you tell I am giddy with happiness?
Another happy thing is that the four new windows for the upstairs were installed yesterday. I have been waiting forever it seems like to get this done. I'll bet we save enough on our electric bill to pay for them in just a few years. Little by little we are whipping this poor old house into shape. All in all a fine day, and I am looking forward to another good one tomorrow - it's quilting day, always fun. We'll see what the ladies are up to, and have a good afternoon!
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