Saturday, January 11, 2025

Project Quilting 16.1 - Nike

 I'm excited to be participating in Project Quilting once more!  I took a break for a couple of years, and I'm ready to join in again.  

I love to piece, so for me the challenge usually involves thinking about how I can use the inspiration in a traditionally pieced manner.  For this challenge, I started out thinking about using one of the photos I took of gargoyles in Paris back in 2010 as an inspiration.  I found that picture, but then found myself drawn to another photograph, this one taken in the Louvre museum.  

This is the Winged Victory of Samothrace.  Otherwise known as Nike.  Definitely a mythical creature!  I started looking for quilt blocks, but didn't have much luck.  Searching for "wings" I found a block called swing in the center, and almost passed by it, but then I realized that the chevrons it included look like a pair of wings! 

Winged Victory is carved from white marble and the base (which represents a war ship) is gray marble, so that set my color scheme.  

I brought out my Go for the cutting - I was a bit excited to realize that I had a die to cut those chevrons! (otherwise I would have substituted Flying Geese to make that shape).  I do love not having to trim the corners on the triangles when I use the Go cutter!

The sewing was simple, then I had to decide on how to quilt my little piece.  After reading about the unseen wind which is blowing against the Winged Victory I decided on a swirling design to bring some of that energy to my finished quilt.  

This is a simple quilt, just one block.  But I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of being inspired by a Mythical Creature to create it!  (Sorry for the poor nighttime photographs, but it's been a crazy week and I am glad I had time to actually finish this!)

Nike (Winged Victory) was created in Coos Bay, Oregon and measures 12 inches square.


Danice G said...

Really pretty quilt. Your work looks very good.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Very nice!!!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Welcome back to PQ, Pamela! Nice job of working your inspiration around to a pieced design.