Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A little Valentine quilt just for fun!

 After a busy few weeks of working on our house and working on deadlines, I took the weekend off and had some fun making a cute little project just for me!  I have a cute mini quilt rack that needed a heart quilt for February, so I got to work and finally created one.  I wanted to use some pretty pinks that I received in my January Ambassador box from Island Batik - perfect for this project!  The fabrics I used were Sangria, and solid pink and fuchsia.

It started out with a simple heart block I found in EQ8 - easy to sew, but super cute.  I added a pieced alternate block, but I did have to do some adjusting to it so that the cuts would be round numbers and not crazy fractions!

Here is a better view of the whole quilt.  As you can see the blocks face opposite directions so that they are right side up on both sides of the quilt rack.  This gave me quite the problem when I was sewing it together because I had them backwards at first!  It was interesting to figure out the best way to piece the half squares for the sides, but the nice thing about working with mini quilts is that even if I do have to waste a bit of fabric, the pieces are so small that it doesn't bother me so much!

After trimming the edges, I was read to add the borders.  I pulled out my messy container of reds and pinks to see what I could find.  I found a really pretty light pink floral design from a few years ago and a darker pink foundation.  Then I folded and organized the bin so I can see what I have!  So nice to be able to look through them without having to take everything out of the box now.

I found that I had a ruler that was the perfect size to fold the fabric around so it would fit, so that made the job extra nice and neat!  I definitely will have to do this with the rest of my boxes that are this size!  This is a photo storage box, it measures about 8 x 12 x 4.  It's a nice way to store small collections of fabric, most of the pieces are less than half a yard, and I can keep quite a few in a box!

I had originally planned to add a binding of the dark pink, but my quilt was a bit too wide and I ended up trimming quite a bit off of the last border.  I decided it would look better to use the border fabric as the binding so that's what I did.  I used a scrap of Hobbs Thermore batting for the inside, and used the dark pink for the backing.  For the quilting, I outlined around the hearts, then between the blocks.  I also quilted in the ditch around the borders, just using my regular foot on my sewing machine and it worked great!

It came out nicely!  I guess now I'll have to plan on what to make to hang on my quilt rack for March!

Week 2 of the Island Batik Log Cabin Blog Hop

Week 2 of our hop is underway!  Check out my fellow ambassador's blogs to see what they have made with these gorgeous collections!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Did you miss my post for the hop?  If so you can find it here, and don't forget about my giveaway, too - make sure you read to the end of the post!

Have a happy Valentine's day!  My love to you all!


  1. Patricia Crawford6:51 PM

    What a cute, bright and happy quilt. Somewhere is a quilt kit qiveaway. Hope I'm in the right place! I would tell someone to be bold and strong, and work on a project that is above their perceived ability. Keep trying. Don't give up. You will prevail.

  2. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Such a cute quilt! Love the richness of the colors. I would tell a new quilter to read through the directions first before jumping in. If you don't understand something, ask! Quilters love sharing their knowledge.


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