My sewing room is usually a crazy disaster area, so I think it's about time to see if I can do something about that and maybe make it a little better! I'm joining in with Kim of Persimmon Dreams and Kim of Go-Go Kim to do a Craft Room Overhaul. (If you want to join in, go check out their blogs!)
For this week, we are showing the current state of our sewing room, so I took some pictures so you could see my mess!
These are my closets - the one on the right is where I keep my regular fabric stash, sorted by color in those baskets. As you can see the baskets are overflowing and I have fabric stuffed in between them. The closet on the right holds UFO project boxes, my Island Batik Stash and some backing fabric. I also hang dresses from the curtain rod that I'm not using. The bankers boxes on the top shelf hold flannel scraps, and I have some kits and other future projects stored up there.
Sewing table, full of stuff as usual. Ironing board, with a shelf of books, etc. Thread storage, projects on shelves and decorative knick knacks. On the side wall there is a wooden dresser, lots of stuff plus a vintage singer machine that I'm not sure if it works. Shelf with more storage over that - those small bins hold a lot of notions, and there's a lot of clutter there as well. Oh, and below the table there are a couple of plastic totes, one with fabric scraps, one with batting scraps, and an old chest with batik fabric (non Island Batik!) stored inside. On the right side of the dresser are a lot of batting pieces, and I forget what else is stuffed back there. That definitely needs cleaned out!
Cutting table under the window, stuff under neath it, including paterns for sale, and a current project. To the right are two plastic bins that hold pre cut fabric and other projects. There are a couple bins on top of that with scraps. To the left of the cutting table is a larger plastic storage drawer unit, storage unit on top of that with strips, more baskets with projects and a bag of selvages. My wastebasket is on the floor.
Design wall - more piles. On the floor is a bulb crate, which is a perfect storage unit! Too many project binds and piles on top, including some quilts and a jacket to repair. To the right, mailing supplies, a bag of flannel scraps and my spare machine. To the right a rolling storage unit with yes, more projects! Some books and who knows what are there, too. The basket on top holds alteration projects, so I have some work to do there and should get on top of that. Looks to me like I have a few too many projects, and maybe need to figure out a bette way of getting those under control!
Wish me luck, I may need it as I dig into all this clutter!
It looks pretty organized to me. Maybe just some straightening up in some areas. It looks like you have a place for everything.
Looks way better than my sewing room!
You are inspiring me to organize and clean my sewing room today. Well, how about week.
Pamela, you are an inspiration!!! I'm considering joining in ... Best wishes as you tackle this project!
You are the real thing. I like it!
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