I haven't accomplished a whole lot on the quilting front the last few days. Friday was Bunco - I was hostess this month and it went really well. And it's great to have the whole house clean at one time!
Then on Saturday we went over to a friend's house and helped put up some new mini blinds. We bought some inexpensive ones at Walmart and I was surprised that they no longer have long cords for opening and closing them - you just lift them up from the bottom or pull them down! Pretty nifty!
When we got done with that, I went in my sewing room and played with making a little mug rug for my Project Quilting challenge! This is what I came up with. There are some milestones happening this year, so this was a great way to celebrate them!
Monday was a strange day. Our homeowners insurance denied our claim for the damage from our leaky roof before Christmas because the leak was not caused by storm damage. So now we have to hope the roofer is going to make good on those repairs. It sounds like they will, so we are choosing to try to be positive, while making sure we are treated fairly. Hopefully something can be done soon, I'm so ready to get that room back to normal!
Today was a work day, and I wanted to set some sewing goals for the week.
1) Recover cushions for customer.
2) Hem sweat pants for hubby.
3) Take in pants and repair shirt for a customer.
4) Hem pants for my friend. (Yes, I am a quilter who does not mind hemming pants!)
5) Work on quilting Peaks quilt.
6) Continue to make progress on Drunkard's Path.
I've been working on this for way too long! Poor Melinda is probably wondering if I'll ever get this finished! I've been stitching on it for an hour or two every evening. I'm getting close to finishing all the stitch in the ditch, so am inspired to push on and get it done - and I have one of my own quilts that I want to hand quilt next.
Despite a discouraging start to the week, I am determined that I am going to keep a good attitude and do some quilting. It always makes me feel better!
That's too bad on the roof/insurance, so frustrating indeed. The Drunkards Path quilt will be stunning when you are finished.