I can't dodge this favorite, it's very easy for me to say that my favorite color is definitely blue! I've made a lot of blue quilts, including this one:
And this one:
And another one!
Another miniature in blue:
And of course, Dear Jane!
I'm enjoying working on the customer quilt I am quilting right now - after all, teal is blue, right?
Hopefully I'll be finished with this one tomorrow! Almost done with all my "work" for the month, then the rest of the month will be all play and fun - I keep telling myself, anyway.
Time to get the Christmas decorations up, I'm late this month, but that's ok, I'll just leave them up a little extra afterwards. I even have blue decorations for my front room, including this lovely feathered star quilt that was a round robin. I love the pretty border I found with the trees and church - so perfect!
Now, just sing a little bit of "Blue Christmas" and we'll all be in the mood! Yes indeed, it's easy to see that my favorite color is blue.
Beautiful quilts