My word for 2019 was Reduce. I didn't do very well at that - but it will still be on ongoing effort to reduce weight, stress, possessions and distractions! For 2020, I chose Vision. Yes, it's corny, but if you know me I do embrace my goofiness! I want to look to the future and all the wonderful things it holds for me and not look behind at the things that drag me down. I want to see clearly what I need to change and look optimistically at the future, and feel free to dream a little bit about what can happen this year.
What do I envision for 2020? Continuing on with designing quilts and making them. And writing the patterns! I'm a little behind on this and would like to write one new pattern each month this year. I am looking forward to this as I do enjoy the process.
UFOs. Time to get busy on these. I haven't really added any more to my list, but I also haven't completed many of those that have been on my list. I'll be signing up for my PHD this year and plan to work on this specifically!
I don't plan on doing any teaching this year. I'll also be letting another person take on the BOM duties at guild after this year is over. It's been fun, but it's time to pass the torch! I still want to be active in Guild, but I don't think I'll participate in any long term commitments at this time.
A non sewing goal is to repaint most of the interior of my house. That's a big job, but it's time after living here for 25 years! We also need to do some more updating and repair in the bathrooms and kitchen.
Specific goals for 2020:
1. Continue blogging at least three times a week and doing the same on Instagram, and Facebook. I've been a little spotty this year, but I hope to do better with a specific goal, and plan to work on a social media calendar for myself. It's not that I don't have anything to say, it's mostly that I have a hard time making plans on when and where!2. Finish my Crazy Jane quilt! My friend Lee and I are both going to work on this, so I am excited to make some progress. My SMART goal for this project is as follows:
S - Specific: Crazy Jane to be pieced, quilted and bound by Dec 31.
M - Measurable: Make two blocks every week. Add each row as it is complete.
A - Attainable: Set aside 2 hours every week to work on this - Sunday afternoon will be set aside if I don't have time during the week to work on this. This works out to just over 15 minutes a day of stitching. I can do this!
R - Relevant: This will help me reach my goal of getting those UFO projects finished!
T - Time bound: Dec 31, 2020 is the goal - If I can I'd love to be able to show this in my guild's show in September, but I'm giving myself the whole year. I'm planning on participating in 15 Minutes to Stitch 2020 on Life in Pieces to help me be accountable for this project.

3. Complete writing one pattern each month. I have a backlog of projects, so I already have enough for half the year - I just need to make the time to work on them. So the plan is that two evenings a month I will work on pattern writing.
4. Complete 12 UFO projects. That means it's time to go sit down with my planner and pick out some projects! I love this step. It's making time for them that can be hard, but my schedule of doing paid work has been working super well for me, so I know that I can work on my own projects 3 days every week now. I'm excited to see some of these quilts get done after sitting for several years! I can do this! To help I am going to sign up with Quilting Gail to attain my PHD in 2020!

If you have a lot of projects you would like to see finished you should join too, you know it's always more fun to do these things with friends.
2019 was a busy year, and a happy and fun one! We had a little rain, but overall the good way outweighed the bad. I think 2020 will be a little less busy, but hopefully just as happy and filled with great memories. I wish you a wonderful 2020 as well!
I love how a new coat of paint can really refresh a room, and I hope that the interior refresh goes well for you this year. I really like how you are planning out your Crazy Jane quilt and hope that you have a great year as you work on all your goals.
Completing 12 UFOs is a wonderful goal I could set that one for myself. Good on you for putting this on your list. Happy 2020.
Oh, your SMART goal acronym is awesome! And timely! I think I may have read it before, but forgot. Thank you, and Happy New Year 2020!
These are great goals! I'm also working on my PhD with Gail; I've done it the past two years and it's been great. Good luck, and Happy New Year!
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