Monday, May 06, 2019

Kentucky Derby and End Game

We spent the weekend in Portland having fun with family!  We saw the new Avengers movie, and had a really great time hanging out with our grandkids.  Here is the little one, showing me her Ninja moves at a nearby park:
The weather was amazing!  I even got a little sunburned on my arms because I wasn't wearing long sleeves for a change.  It's always colder here on the coast, so I sure appreciate the nice weather when we go up for a visit.
They were having a great time on this rope swing!  It was fun hearing about what they do with the neighborhood kids in this park - it's nice to know kids still have fun building stick forts and climbing on trees and stumps.

Such a lovely day - I'm glad I remembered to take some pictures so I can remember it! 

Today I was back to work - lots of projects getting worked on over the next few weeks.  I can't show you this one yet, but aren't the colors gorgeous?  It's always hard to throw away the trimmings, they are so pretty!  I'm trying to discipline myself to keep reducing the amount of stuff, though - so out they went.

 I've been very inspired by the posts for the Spring Clean Your Studio blog hop - today Sam Hunter had some great ideas for organizing and cutting down your book stash.  If you have a lot of books, you'll get some great tips from her post - I know I did!

Hope your Monday was productive and joyful!


Barb said...

Nothing is better than hanging out with the grandkids....can't wait to see your projects

Quilting Gail said...

How fun! And yes, it's nice to have pics to remember the memories!
Thanks for the head's up about the blog hop ... something I NEED to do!
Happy Quilting! L-)