Sunday, December 16, 2018

Blog Post 1000!

Woohoo!  This is my 1000th published blog post!  

It has taken me quite a while to hit this milestone - just about 13 years, but I am pretty darn impressed with myself for making it this far!  If you would like to read my first post,  I wrote about making a costume using a bear skin - I still can't believe I did that.

I thought it would be fun to do a celebratory giveaway , but since things are a little busy right now, I think I will put that idea on hold till after Christmas, but don't worry I won't forget, I just want to do this right and make it fun.

Today I've been working on a new version of my Tidepools quilt.  I can't show you the fabric I am using for it, but this is the pattern.  Only one more quilt to make, and I'll be finished with my secret stewing for the year and will be able to relax a bit.

I also hemmed a pair of rain pants for my hubby - he's been retired for six years, and just got a part time job helping take care of horses at a local farm.  He is so excited to get to go do something he loves for a couple days a week and get paid for it.  I'm happy for him to be able to do this, he has wanted to do something like this for a long time!  Our lives have sure changed since that first blog post. 

I also finished up a couple projects for other people, so I've cleared those projects off my list.  It feels good to know that my list is definitely getting shorter.  I can hardly believe that Christmas will be here in just a bit over a week!  Hope everyone else is getting projects on their lists crossed off, too! 


cpentzer said...

Congratulations on #1000!

Karrin Hurd said...

Congratulations on reaching 1000. What a never ending task that bear skin must have been, and how relieved you must have been when it was finally finished!

Joyce Carter said...

Congratulations Pamela!

Kathleen said...

That's a great milestone! Congratulations!

Quilting Tangent said...

Congratulations 1:):);)

Janarama said...

Way to go on reaching 1,000 posted blogs!

Emily said...

Congratulations on 1,000 posts! What a tremendous milestone!

Barb Neiwert said...

Congratulations are definitely in order - whoohoo!

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

Congratulations on 1,000! That is a massive number. Looking forward to the next 1,000.

Vicki H said...

Congrats. That's a lot of posting.