Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sewing, Sewing, Sewing....

What a week!  I've been keeping the pedal to the metal this week and have churned out an amazing lot of progress - but no finishes this week.

I've got all the blocks finished for the Brothers and Sisters quilt and am working at the border units.  Only 190 rectangles that have a sew and flip triangle on each end.  I do a bunch, then trim and press.  Those will probably keep me busy all week long.

Plus I tackled the mountain of scraps that have been building up!

That's a pretty impressive mound of blocks I've got done already.  Almost enough for a quilt top - woohoo!

You could barely even see the bin of strips before I started!  
Now look!  I've really reduced the level making all those blocks.  Don't worry, I'm in no danger of running out any time soon...I've got a big stack of leftover fabric ready to be processed and added to my bin.

It's been a fun week of scrappy projects!  

Linking up with Cynthia for Oh Scrap!


  1. I love string blocks! They are my go to blocks when I have a mountain of scraps too. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  2. You did have a fun week, great way to use up those awesome scraps.

  3. Wow!! You were one BUSY quilter!!!

  4. I'm personally a big fan of pamelaquilts blog. Thanks for sharing this post.


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