Monday, October 08, 2018

Monday Motivation

I finished up my last wedding wedding project last night, so this week should be mostly quilting. Yay!

My design wall is so full, but what I really want to get going on in the Brothers and Sisters quilt.  I am halfway done with the blocks, and am ready to get the rest finished up.

The quote I picked to motivate me this week doesn't show up well on this busy block, but it says:

"Life is something like a remarkable, exciting puzzle.  It comes piece by piece in packages marked days."  John Powell

Don't you just love that?  Let's enjoy each piece as it comes.  Some are dark, and some are light, but each one is an important piece of the puzzle of our lives.

Have a wonderful week!

Linking up:

Monday Making


Suzanne said...

Wonder quote...thanks for sharing. The quilt is beautiful.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Baeutiful quilt, love your colour combo! And a wonderful quote too!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

oops.. beautiful!

Bonnie said...

Great quote... seems so appropriate for quilting. Good luck on getting your blocks finished. Slow and steady gets it done. (appropriate since I seem to be a really slow piecer.) The blocks are wonderful.