Sunday, April 23, 2017

Making Lemonade

Oh, it's been one of those busy weeks again.  I was very much occupied with making sure that all of the sewing work I had done the week before was delivered, working at the quilt shop and preparing for our Ladies Retreat this weekend.  The theme for our ladies retreat was "When Life Gives You Lemons..."  We had three lovely ladies from our congregation step up to take a turn at the speaking and we ended up having a very fun and enjoyable time.

I was surprised when I went through the pictures I took, that I didn't have any of the cute valances I made for the small windows on the sides and back of the chapel!  There were just simple straight valances out of the same lemon fabric on the front tables.  We had lots of pretty lemons and yellow accessories - here is our stage set up:

We like to add something fun to this area so that the ladies can come and take pictures - it's fun to see them gather friends for group photo-ops!

For table decorations we put cut lemons and daisies in canning jars with ribbon.  Each table had a different lemon dessert name so we could dismiss them for meals in random order!  We had a super time and hopefully everyone will arrive home refreshed and ready for their week ahead.  I'm a bit tired, but a good night's sleep in my own bed will fix that.  It was a great time with wonderful women and I am content that we were able to spoil everyone for a few days and be encouraged in our faith!

I love that I am starting this week with a fairly clean slate and will be able to work on some quilting projects!  I'll have our last Quilter's Recipe Box block for the month tomorrow, and it is my favorite - make sure you stop by and check it out!

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