Monday, January 04, 2016

Allietare Part Four Done

Today was inventory day at Threads That Bind.  Between the 10 people there we got all the fabric counted up in about 2 hours.  That was really great - it was nice to have it done so quickly.  After that we went out for breakfast, then I got to come home and spend the afternoon relaxing with a side of sewing!

I got the remaining 10 units cut out for the Allietare mystery by Bonnie Hunter, then sewed them all together.  I did press the center seam the wrong direction in all of them, but I can remedy that as I sew the blocks together.  Hopefully I can do Clue 5 tomorrow then get started sewing my blocks!  I really like the finished quilt, so plan on working to get this one finished up right away.

My plan for this week is to get last year's mystery quilt finished so I can take it to quilt guild Thursday night.  So I have my week cut out for me.

1)  Work on Baby Clothes Quilts
2)  Put together Allietare top
3)  Quilt Grand Illusion
4)  Finish the next round on JOY
5)  Remove shoulder pads from 3 blazers

I have one day of work at Threads That Bind this week, and possibly Bunco on Friday.  I am also starting our Women's Mentoring on Tuesday Evening.  It's a 10 week Women's Bible study.  So I will have to take some time to read my lesson and do the work book tomorrow.  Plus get back to the exercise regimen.  Plenty to keep busy at, as usual, but welcome 2016!

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