Saturday, August 15, 2015

August Giveaway #3

Happy Birthday to me!  Yes, today is the big day - I am looking forward to a fun day, a nice fat slice of German Chocolate Cake and some Ice Cream to go with it, plus phone calls from my girls :)

For this week I am giving away this cute animal panel by Clothworks - Friends in Wild Places:

There are two identical halves of the panel on one piece of yardage, so I though someone else would enjoy using the other half.  My plan for this is to make journal covers out of them, so I am including that pattern as well.

I think I will make the panda version for myself!  Anyway - to enter you will need to comment on my blog and let me know if you keep a journal now, or have you ever?  I really enjoyed all the comments on the last giveaway and look forward to hearing your thoughts on this as well.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure and share this with your friends!  Thanks and good luck!


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Yes I do, with all my projects, needles, threads, fabrics used,etc.

Janie said...

I take pictures and note on each one who the items were for. They are stored in my computer. That is as far as my journaling goes.

amy said...

I have a quilting journal with lists of projects, fabrics needed and fabric collections that I have.

Frederique said...

I have a journal where I list every project, with pictures, and fabrics and notions used to make them

OhioLori said...

No..don't keep a Journal..yet! lol haven't made many Quilts either...working at em tho! My Daughters keeps a cool Journal thos..lil' sqaures of each fabric & progeesion pic's to finished quilt...She is Awesome too. I am waaaay behind her :)

claire ross said...

I kept a journal as a teenager but have not done so for many years x

Emily C said...

Right now I keep a sketch book. I don't write much and the sketch book is great for quilting and sewing sketches. I hate losing my project 'instructions'.

sisylyn2 said...

I am a lousy writer so I have never kept a journal.

barbara woods said...

i keep one going all the time full of list

Vicki H said...

No, I haven't kept a journal either as a young girl or an adult.

Katy M said...

I grew up with 2 brothers so keeping a journal would have been a recipe for disaster when they found it! x

lindawwww said...

I've never kept a journal. I've started at different times but never carry through.

lin.web.28 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

HELLO,yes I keep a Watercolor Sketch Journal!
I also keep a Loved Ones (our Family) running Journal!
A Journal does not need to have an entry every day to still be meaningful.
Thanks for sharing!

teachpany said...

I've kept journals and diaries before, but not lately. Happy Birthday! I hope your cake is delish!

Dody said...

When I was in high school my English teacher made us do it. I used to make stuff up to put in it because I couldn't think of anything to say. I don't think I would want anyone reading my personal feelings anyway.

Kelly Dee said...

I have blank books, I love blank books, I can't stop myself from buying blank books at the thrift store, but....I am really bad about writing in them. I do have a garden journal where I document what worked and didn't work for future plant purchases. I also have one for quilt ideas, I use it when I go on vacation, carpets and tiles, etc can be very intriguing.

Heather said...

I don't keep a journal. I have a couple of times in the past, mostly during large vacations where I wanted to remember what happened or when I was younger (think middle school age)

GranChris said...

I haven't in years but maybe I will start again. Love all the creatures.

Lisa England said...

I don't keep a journal. This fabric is adorable! I would love it for a baby quilt, since I really enjoy making baby quilts and giving them to people with new babies.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day and enjoy that cake! it sounds so yummy. I do journal but not consistently as most my friends do. I would love to win this fabric - it is so cute. Thank you!

mumbird3 said...

I have sorta of a journal - it's list for my overcluttered mind - so i jot down ideas, things I think about and then try and work on them!

Annmarie said...

I do have a journal but I use it to record hi & lo temps, rainfall etc & what I did that day. I make columns down the page so 1 journal lasts 4-5 years. I love looking back on previous years to see what was going on!

Rina Mason said...

I used to keep one until I decided I didn't want anyone to see it after I died. I do keep track of travel and what we did. Love looking back at our adventures. Rina

moosecarol said...

I kept journals thru my college years, but fell away later when the kids came...

Deal.licious Real Food Debby said...

I kept a journal right up until I had my first child. Now that they are just a bit older I was thinking of starting again. I wish I had kept doing it while they were babies to write down some of the memories.

determineddebby at gmail dot com (logged in above as debbyg****

Anonymous said...

I've journaled before, need to start a quilt journal to keep track of all I do.Happy Birthday Sis.

Lori said...

these little animals are the cutest
for many years I have kept a journal when reading my Bible.
I did keep a journal while in high school, that is as long as it lasted

rustymom said...

I don't currently keep a journal. I have done art journals in the past.

Crafty Tokyo Mama said...

I kept a journal all through junior and senior high, but then stopped as I got older. Just this year I started one again, writing down the things I sew each day, because otherwise I forget what I did!

Heidi said...

Hope you had a great Birthday! I have enjoyed visiting your site, linked through the Island Hop:)
I keep a large art journal, it is rather untidy and filled with quilty ideas. I also keep a small sketch journal for travel, and a small journal with bloggish ideas, notes and lists that is also a mess as I tear pages from it a lot, haha!

Anna brown said...

No sorry never have kelp a journal but have tried to keep pictures of my quilts i have