Thursday, November 27, 2014


I am thankful for so many things wonderful family, great food, a few days to kick back and enjoy my grandchildren!  God has blessed me with so many good things and I am truly grateful.

I am also thankful for my little corner of the internet here and that I have a place to post some of my projects and thoughts.  This is my 500th post!  I've been holding out a bit because I wanted this milestone to be something significant.  Kind of silly, I know, but I do think it is important to take note of milestones and this is a pretty good one, at least for me!

I am interested to see where the next 500 posts take me - I can see how much I have learned since I started this blog, and can't wait to see what comes next!  I have so many projects in the works, just need to find some time to work on them all...that's the trick of it all - balancing all the balls in the air just right so you don't drop any and actually make some progress...this blog really helps me to be accountable and when I look back I can actually see that I have made progress in completing projects and getting things accomplished.

I think the turkey has gotten to me, so I guess that will be it for today - a bit of a nap and some pumpkin pie are in the works.  And maybe a game of Candyland!

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