Sunday, March 23, 2014

Joan's Vintage Butterfly Project

Craftsy promoted my Vintage Butterfly Pattern on Friday again - I really can't tell you how much that delights me ever single time :)  It's quite fun to read the comments.  The original block I made for the pattern was featured several times, and I could not believe all the people that did not like the fabrics!

Eventually I decided that I really needed to make a new sample block so I picked some gorgeous batik fabrics that I thought would make the block really stand out. Now no one comments on the ugly fabric, but there were quite a few uncomplimentary comments about the block itself this time around.  Didn't those people's mothers teach them the "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" rule?  To me, that's just basic manners.  Now if someone asks you, you can give them criticism, but not in a mean way.  Maybe I'm just too nice.  Good thing I'm not offended really easily, either.  In any case the positives are way more than the negatives, so I just laugh it off and think about all the people that are enjoying the pattern!

And, I was thrilled to see someone post a project they made with the block pattern!  I think Susanne might have enlarged the block because it looks larger than 9 inches in the picture.  She says it took her two days to make it - I love it!  I need to make a finished something out of my blocks, but can't decide what to make.  

If you are on facebook, go like Quilting Club.  I enjoy seeing all the patterns and projects they feature, and they always let you know when there is a sale on the classes, too!  

If you want to see how to make the block, see my tutorial here - and make sure to send me a picture or link to your project, I'd love to add it to my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm Susanne and yes I did enlarge it. Thank you for your pattern.


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