Thursday, December 27, 2012

Home Again!

We had a fun visit in Portland with our kids and grandkids - lots of fun and noise with those two rambuctious little boys!  They sure are fun.  We had a long drive home today, but I was looking forward to getting back.  We got home early enough for me to sneak in a little sewing tonight!
I won a Kindle earlier this month at a Christmas party - so exciting!  I was thrilled because I have wanted one for some time now.  I took it on our trip and it was really nice to read in the car.  But it lacked a nice padded case to keep it safe in my bag.

Now it has a lovely case.  There are triangles on the front so there it can sit on the cover and be nice and soft for holding.  And then there is a pocket it can be stored in so it is safe and sound for traveling. 
And I got to use some fun fabric that I've been saving for something special!  Tomorrow, I'll work on my quilts (well, after a walk with my hubby, a trip to the library and the grocery store).  It's nice to be back home and sewing again!

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