Thanks Maria, I appreciate your kindness! It's been a joy to get to know you!
The Leibster award is given by bloggers to exceptional blogs with fewer than 200 followers. For those who decide to accept the award, the Liebster Rules are:
1. Post about your win on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.
3. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that have less than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized.
5. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
Now comes the hard part - deciding on 5 blogs to pass the honor to! I follow quite a few and choosing 5 of them was not an easy chore, there are many more I could also share, but maybe I will do that in the future. For now you get a little taste of these:
Miriam's Sewing Studio
Miriam is another one of my Quiltsy Team members. She loves quilting and birding and likes nothing better than making something from bird fabric! Love it! Lately she has been creating the cutest little crocheted cup cozies - not only has she made the cute owl here, but also has sock monkeys in brown and grey plus panda bears (one of my favorites!). She is in Canada - see isn't it great how the internet connects us with other people?
Ferret Fabricates
Another one of the international bloggers I follow is Ferret. I think I originally found her blog through a friend who passed on a link to her fabulous Victorian Steampunk Dress. You really need to go to her blog and check it out! She is a long-arm quilter living and teaching in England. Her blog is always interesting as she travels, teaches and drag races! Got to love the new generation of quilters - definitely not your traditional quilters and lots of fun to follow - I would love to take a class with her sometime, I'm sure it would be great fun.
The Dread Pirate Rogers Blogs Into the Sunset and Beyond
I first became acquainted with Shelley on a quilting forum years ago - I was pleased to find her blogging as she has a wonderful style not only in her writing, but in her projects. She always says what she means and means what she says - and it's fun to read about her various projects! She not only quilts, but has been known to immerse herself in making various garments for her daughters so she has a great variety of topics. Definitely a favorite of mine!
Brenda is a real life friend of mine, though I might never had met her if it wasn't for us both being sellers on Etsy! She founded a team for local Etsy artists and we have grown into a supportive group of friends who are all artists and love to create in a variety of media. Brenda uses her blog to show the new things she creates for her Etsy shop.
One of my favorites is this cute bead that is a bird in a nest - just adorable! She is running a giveaway right now, so it's a good time to check out her blog.
Frivolous Necessity
Another fun blog from a fellow Quiltsy Team member! You really need to check out her fabulous patterns at her Etsy Shop, also called Frivolous Necessity! I really like this one -
You can also buy her quilts there, too. Though I am just getting to know her blog, I am really enjoying it.
So there you have it - 5 blogs that I think are worthy of this award. Thanks again to Maria for passing it to me!
Wow, Thank you Pam! I am so excited!!!
It may be a few days to follow through with the posting for the award so look to have it done after the 14th or 15th. ;-)
Thank you for your kind words, Pamela!
Your winners are so wonderful bloggers! :)
P.S. I love your new birdie journal! :)
Thank you for your kind words, Pamela!
Your winners are so wonderful bloggers! :)
P.S. I love your new birdie journal! :)
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