No, not in my kitchen sink (at least not on this night for a change!). Piles of Dresden Plates. I am nearing the end of the great Dresden Plate project. I have a few more to applique, but I have enough to start putting the quilt together, and hopefully sometime next week I will have a quilt top finished and ready for quilting -which will be the next great adventure - it's going to be a king size!
One of the things I have been concerned about with this project is that I am starting with about a hundred blocks that were made by my friend who started this. She became ill with cancer last year and asked that I finish this for her - it was to be a gift for her daughter in law. I said yes, of course. Betty passed away not too long after that. It's been a little hard to work on at times and I feel a heavy responsibility to make sure this comes out like Betty would want it to. I have had to add to her scraps and sometimes have wondered if anyone will be able to tell the blocks I made from the ones she did.
After sewing a few blocks together tonight, my mind is at ease - every other block was made by me, but they all look just fine together and I honestly can't pick out the ones I did from the ones she did! So happy that our blocks are going to live side by side happily! The blocks are 7 inches square (6 1/2" finished). There are 212 of them in this quilt - so it's been a long road, but I'm excited to see it coming together at last. I think it will be a lovely quilt, and I know will be a keepsake for her family. Miss you, Betty, and it's an honor to have my work beside yours.
What a true friend you are.
Absolutely lovely quilt-to-be. And what a good friend you's nice to know they are out there!
That is a lot of beautiful plates! How exciting to see it all come together.
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