Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Cleaning out - and a swap!

I've been rather distracted the last few days with doing some cleaning out. My attic is full of lots of random boxes full of important keepsakes and treasures and Christmas decorations and - well, junk. Stuff I've collected and don't know what to do with. So I'm pulling out and sorting. Right now I've got a couple of boxes of fabric scraps from the 80s. The really bad part is it's not even mine. It was being cleared out of someone else's house about 10 years ago and ended up in mine. So now I am going to either make something out of these bits and pieces or pass them on.

Do you hold onto things for years, or do you pass them on for someone else to enjoy and use? I'm a big packrat, but I'm working on it. I have a nice collection of Christmas fabrics, and I'm signing up on Paula's blog for a swap - how exciting! I will get to pass some of my collection on and get some new goodies without actually adding to my stash - a win/win proposition in my book. If you would like to join in hop over and sign up!

I'm looking forward to sorting through some of my goodies and sharing with another quilter - how fun!

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