Sunday, June 19, 2011

Folder Holders

Worked more on the Folder Holders today, in between movies, and a trip to the store for Dog Food. And celebrating Father's Day! The movie was Super 8, which I loved! I'm a huge fan of Science Fiction, and this was a superb movie, sentimental, lots of action and a scary alien. What's not to love? Lots of fun and a good ending, definitely one I would watch again. We haven't been to the movies in a while so it was really a treat and made it a fun day.

I got two of the Folder Holders bound today - the larger ones, so will finish up the smaller ones tomorrow. This first one is the size that the pattern instructions make. This will fit a letter size folder (or several). These are fun to make, and pretty easy to customize to different sizes, which is what I am working on. I even made one that is 1 1/2 inches deep, hopefully it will work as intended - I had an interesting time trying to get the dimensions right on it.
You can find the pattern for this here. It is another very easy to use pattern that you might enjoy making. In fact, once you start making them, it's hard to stop! And I'm sure they would be handy for a number of things, maybe to hold a sketchbook, or photographs...

Stay tuned for more interesting projects in the coming week, I still have half a list to get through!


1 comment:

  1. I love these, just might have to order that pattern!


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