Then comes time to clean it all up again. To fold and put away the scrap fabric, hang up the rotary cutters and put the pencils in the drawer. I put the spools of thread back on the rack, wind up and organize the bobbins and vacuum the threads up (oh, my poor vacuum!). Everything goes back in it's place and once more order is restored and I am ready for the next round of inspiration and fun.
Of course, clean is definitely a relative term. Some people would hate the clutter in my room. But I like being able to see things that I am working on, it helps me to keep the process going as I think of the next steps. Of course, I really could reduce the amount of projects that I have underway at any given time, but what would be the fun in that!
Hope you are having so much fun creating that you forget to tidy up, too!
Your sewing room looks like mine!! I am surrounded by "stuff" while I piece a top -then everything has to go back to it's place when the top is done. Except my ironing board is set up in the hall-kept tripping the breakers in my sewing room!
nice job tidying up! I did that at the beginning of this year and it's already a disaster...I think I'll leave it that way for awhile :)
Now that looks like mine and now I don't feel so bad about it
I also find creation is very messy. I hate to take the time when I am finished one project to stop and put it all away, because I am anxious to get started on the next project. So, I often end up with layers of fabric before I eventually cleanup and "discover" fabrics I forgot I had.
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